Tagged with " prostate"
Jul 30, 2013 - Scientifical    No Comments


Bogdan Alexandru VIŢĂLARU, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania, alexandrumv@yahoo.com
Ion DRAGOMIRIŞTEANU, Hospital of Urology Professor Theodor Burghele
Ion Alin BÎRŢOIU, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania,
Cătălin PANDELAŞ, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania
Mihaela-Alina FLOREA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania, student


Key words: canine, prostate, adenoma, intracapsular, resection.



Subtotal intracapsular resection of prostate adenoma with total ablation of the intraprostatic urethra and urinary continence preservation in dogs is an operation that has a high degree of difficulty and it is done in severe cases, acute blockage of the urinary and digestive transit, consecutive to total prostate volume augmentation. Subtotal prostatectomy is indicated in valuable breeding dogs for benign prostatic hyperplasia in lieu of castration and in stable dogs with abscessation or cysts in lieu of drainage procedures.

In the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, we have performed this surgery in 2 male dogs, common breed, with prostate adenoma, age 8 and 9 respectively. Using the electroscalpel, we dissected all parenchyma except a 2 mm shell attached to the capsule. We resected all the urethra except a 1-2 cm dorsal strip, trying to maintain the integrity of the Seminal colliculus and not to reach the striate sphincter of the urinary bladder. Read more »

Jan 9, 2013 - Clinic    2 Comments

Hipertrofia/hiperplazia benignă de prostată la câine

Câinele este cu siguranţă animalul domestic cel mai răspândit şi care deţine un rol deosebit în ambianţa societăţii româneşti. O implicare atât de intimă şi o colaborare atât de profundă, nu numai pe plan practic, dar şi pe cel emotiv şi afectiv, nu se mai întâlnesc la nici un alt animal, nici măcar la cal.

În condiţiile actuale, în care reproducţia carnivorelor de companie s-a dezvoltat, în urma interesului crescând al proprietarilor de a obţine produşi de concepţie de valoare, patologia aparatului genital mascul prezintă o importanţă deosebită, iar patologia prostatei reprezintă o dominantă a acesteia. Read more »